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Ag & 文化短片系列

在Vittone农场公司 & 文化事件, 弗吉尼亚农场信贷公司的客户所有者, 杰夫Vittone, explains the inception of his container farm in Bedford County, VA and the benefits of employing vertical hydroponic farming methods, 包括更少的劳动力, 提高产量,改善保护. 另外, Vittone的水培作物经理, 约旦Grudley, provides a step-by-step overview of the growth cycle that take place within the 40-ft shipping container, 从幼苗到成品. Vittone concludes the video with advice for young and beginning farmers wanting to pursue a similar operation and comments regarding the value of working with a trusted lender, 比如弗吉尼亚农场信贷.

A国民E. Coli outbreak that took place over a decade ago left our friend and customer-owner, 杰夫Vittone, concerned about the quality and accessibility of healthful produce for his family. Jeff put his innovative mind and technical engineering background to work. 没过多久, Jeff had a thorough business plan and meticulous blueprints in-hand for what would soon become Vittone Farms.

Vittone Farms is far from your average, run-of-the-mill agricultural operation. Jeff grows produce using vertical hydroponic farming methods within expertly organized 40-ft shipping containers. One container can accommodate the harvest of up to 6,000 vegetables and herbs a month. The yield per container is equivalent to that of two and half acres of conventionally raised row crops, 然而,他可以种植一年四季, 不管下雨, 下雪或极端温度, 而且不需要杀虫剂和除草剂.

2021年初,杰夫装备了他的第一个集装箱. 从那时起, he has only continued to grow his operation and increase the availability of local produce to better meet the needs of his rural community members. To learn more about the intriguing and innovative farming technique, our team conducted an interview with Jeff inside one of his containers.

Can you explain how vertical hydroponic farming works?

“从垂直技术开始, we actually take grow cubes that are inserted within the grow channel and we run a nutrient film across them on an irrigation schedule. 这部电影, 哪个是由水和营养物质组成的, 重力是由滴灌器输送的吗, down through the root bases of the grow cubes all the way down to the recovery trough. The recovery trough returns the leftover water and nutrients to the main tank. 在主舱里, 软件分析pH值和营养成分, and self-doses to correct for the next irrigation cycle. You might see similar techniques used horizontally in conventional greenhouses; however, 体育彩票外围平台最大限度地扩大体育彩票外围平台的面积."

What is container farming and why did you choose the production method for your operation?

"Container farming means repurposing an existing shipping container for farming. In our case, we used a recycled, refrigerated trailer that was already insulated. This specific container was manufactured by Freight Farms in Boston, MA, 以满足体育彩票外围平台独特的需求和规格.

We chose container farming specifically to be able to control the elements. Here in Virginia, we can grow 365 days a year, regardless of outside temperature and weather. The container also allows for greater pest control, so our yield is always better. 体育彩票外围平台预计收益率在95-98%之间. 在一个月内, this container can grow the equivalent to two and a half acres of conventionally raised row crops with a very impressive yield."

How does vertical hydroponic container farming lend improved conservation?

“就谈话而言, we believe whole-heartedly in trying to be good stewards of the land. 通过可持续发展实践, 体育彩票外围平台一天只用5加仑的水, 体育彩票外围平台只在蒸发时失去. Container farming using vertical hydroponic methods is one of the best ways to conserve water, 当然, 这有明显的土地保护效益. We do our best to make sure we are not only providing healthy, 给想要的人新鲜的食物, 同时也是土地的好管家."

What words of wisdom would you share with someone looking to start an operation similar to yours?

"One bit of advice I have for anyone who would like to get started in any type of agricultural enterprise is to really, 做足功课. 你需要从一个可靠的商业计划开始, and part of that business plan needs to be market research. It might sound like a wonderful idea to grow micro-greens in your community, but you need to determine if there is any interest for micro-greens from community members. 最终, 首先是商业计划, market research and understanding that your dream is important, 但实现这个梦想也是如此."

关于Ag & 文化短片系列

在Ag) & Culture video series provides viewers a behind-the-scenes glimpse of farming in our footprint. The videos are intended to share the stories of the hard working farm families that make up the agriculture industry, in addition to shedding light on a given commodity or hot topic in agriculture, 像保护, 农业技术进步, 等. The individuals featured in the series are not only strong advocates for agriculture and engaged rural community members, 也是农业信贷的客户. Each producer featured in the series leverages Farm Credit’s cooperative structure and flexible financing to meet their operational goals. 
