



We are nearing early spring and the urge to begin our summer gardens is becoming more prevalent.  You may have seed catalogs beginning to show up in your mailbox and you may be sketching out your garden plans.  Garden talk this time of year is highly focused on starting earlier and extending the growing season later or even for year-round production.

这个任务最热门的话题是温室.  It is said the first could be credited to a French botanist from Holland back in the 1800s.  Charles Lucien Bonaparte built a greenhouse to grow medicinal tropical plants.  From there, universities started to use them to grow the science of botany.

The term is simply defined as a building where plants are grown and can be further defined by stating they provide protection from cold weather and can be climate controlled.  This article uses the word loosely to represent a building where plants are grown.

今天, they are used by both small-scale and large commercial operations specializing in vegetables, 花, 树木和灌木.  The wonderful aspect about greenhouses is they are obtainable not only by large agribusiness operations, 也适用于农村和城市的家庭种植者.

They are a valuable tool for growers in general and can lengthen the growing season.  They provide a more controlled environment with plants protected from weather and geography and are temperature controlled.

但是哪种类型适合你不断增长的需求呢?  取决于你的位置, 预算, 以及你打算种植什么, 有多种选择.

下面是不同类型的概述.  This list is not exhaustive as they can come in many different shapes and sizes.  We will review the common structures used today and which are easily accessible.


高隧道代表了设计为更轻的结构, 移动, 并且灵活,为所有类型的种植者提供多功能使用.  They are also built to be high enough to accommodate machinery like tractors and tillers.  High tunnels are often protecting crops that are directly planted in the ground vs. 传统的温室建筑,种植在凸起的床上. 

High tunnel coverings can be completely removed to allow for direct outside exposure or closed to maximize protection from weather.  This gives the grower flexible options to protect crops from early spring frost through late fall chill.


Low tunnels are low to the ground and serve as temporary structures protecting planted crops.  低矮的隧道可以是四英尺高,也可以是两英尺高.  篮球, 通常由电线或管子构成的, 是由框架支撑的还是被推入地下的.  Plastic covering is placed over the top creating a protective environment.  The plastic can be removed during the day to allow for natural light and exposure or can be closed during periods of cooler or adverse weather. 

Low tunnels provide the benefit of heating the soil which allows for earlier planting of tender plants and can also extend the season protecting plants well into the fall.  低隧道提供了有效的低成本, 临时和灵活的选择,许多类型的生长情况.


Hoop houses are often seen amongst home gardeners and small scale agricultural operations. 它们被粗略地定义为较小尺寸的高隧道.  They are designed to offer the same benefits as high tunnels and traditional buildings but are simpler in nature.  它们有多种款式, 最常见的是支撑结构的弯曲管拱.  Building plans for hoop houses vary, but consist of a ground frame where the bent tubes are secured.  然后塑料薄膜覆盖结构.  Hoop houses can be low to the ground or built at a height tall enough for an average adult to stand up inside.

根据材料的不同,环屋的价格也很实惠.  需要考虑的一件事是它们承受极端天气的能力.  Hoop house have difficulty withstanding high winds and cannot support large amounts of snow.

These houses provide excellent light and protection for tender early starts and can protect crops well into fall.  它们在设计上也很灵活,因为它们可以扩展长度.


传统建筑是一个杰出的永久选择.  它们是“房屋”形状的结构,非常有效.  框架提供了良好的支持,抗风和大雪.  他们提供良好的照明和耐用.  They are built using plastic (fiberglass, polycarbonate, polyethylene film) or glass.

传统的 greenhouse kits can be purchased and installed by the homeowner, 也可以由外部公司购买和安装.  Whichever greenhouse you choose, you can be assured you have plenty of design options to choose from.  从壁板材料到气流和加热选项, 您可以根据自己的需要设计精确的结构.

因为这些结构在设计上更持久, they may require ground preparation or foundations and may be subject to obtaining permits.


Greenhouses are used by large commercial operations specializing in vegetables, 花, 供商业用途出售的树木和灌木.  种植的农作物可以作为零售或批发库存出售.  大型商业建筑可能非常大,占地数英亩.  它们是由经久不衰的玻璃或塑料制成的永久性结构.  Many of them can accommodate tractors and vehicles, have employee areas, bathrooms and offices.  这些建筑物一般不对公众开放.

Small-scale commercial operations may use any combination or greenhouse structures and may be temporary or permanent.  The type of structure depends on the crop they choose to grow, location and business plan and goals.  Small scale operations may sell their crops at retail on the farm or to wholesale outlets.  Some small scale operations use greenhouse structures to hold products for sale and allow customers to shop inside.

If you are considering investing in a structure to extend your growing season, 你有很多选择.  从低矮的隧道到永久的温室建筑, finding the right structure begins with determining your needs and planting desires.  Consider location, direction and whether you want a temporary or more permanent solution.  农村和城市的园丁都可以选择温室.  Check your local zoning ordinances or neighborhood 首页 Owners Associations or Covenants, 规范和限制,以确保您选择一个允许的设计. 


